Svetlana's Biography
Svetlana comes from a long line of musicians. Her Grand Grandfather on the grandmother mother’s side was a Master Violin Maker how was also talented Violinist. Svetlana’s Grandfather on the mother’s side was a local celebrity who everybody knew for his accordion play before WWII. During the WWII he lost both of his hands and was unable to continue playing. That was a big tragedy for him, but he was lucky to stay alive.
Svetlana started piano at early age and got a degree from Music System School in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. She specialized in classical music and was broadcasted live on Krasnoyarsk’s radio station. She was an active member of music community as performer, accompanist and as a teacher.
In 1995 she moved to US and decided to continue her Piano teaching carrier. She accepted a position teaching piano at "Music & Arts" studios. She started off with just a few students, but soon that number grew rapidly. After giving piano lessons in different music studios all over Northern Virginia (McLean, Woodbridge, Manassas etc…) she and her daughter Elena decided to open their own home studio and give lessons in the comfort of their own home.
What motivates Svetlana to teach is her love for the piano and the sense of obligation she feels to pass her knowledge on. Her primary reward is seeing students succeed.